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Mwogezi Lawrence  was born in Uganda on September 12, 2003. His family is Christian and they stay in the village of Lwaki, located in the Luuka district. His father is living, but he doesn’t stay with the family anymore. His mother, Nangobi Esereda, is a disabled peasant farmer and struggles to provide for their large family. There are currently 10 people sharing their 3-room home, including 4 boys and 5 girls. Lawrence helps his momma at home with sweeping the compound, washing dishes and washing clothing by hand. He is in the Senior 2 Class this year.. Lawrence tells us that his favorite subject is mathematics and he hopes to become a doctor when he grows up. In his spare time, he enjoys playing football (soccer) with friends and making model cars out of banana leaves. He asked if you would be praying for him to have a long life, and for God to help him have success in his studies.

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Mwogezi Lawrence  was born in Uganda on September 12, 2003. His family is Christian and they stay in the village of Lwaki, located in the Luuka district. His father is living, but he doesn’t stay with the family anymore. His mother, Nangobi Esereda, is a disabled peasant farmer and struggles to provide for their large family. There are currently 10 people sharing their 3-room home, including 4 boys and 5 girls. Lawrence helps his momma at home with sweeping the compound, washing dishes and washing clothing by hand. He is in the Senior 2 Class this year.. Lawrence tells us that his favorite subject is mathematics and he hopes to become a doctor when he grows up. In his spare time, he enjoys playing football (soccer) with friends and making model cars out of banana leaves. He asked if you would be praying for him to have a long life, and for God to help him have success in his studies.

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